Suzanne & Eike

We Are Getting Married


March 1st 2024

14:50 Entry @ Masoala Nightentry, Zoo Zurich (Google Maps)

15:00-15:30 Ceremony @ Masoala Regenwald, Zoo Zurich

15:30-16:00 Apéro @ Masoala Regenwald, Zoo Zurich

16:00-17:00 Erlebnisführung durch den Regenwald

18:00 Dinner @ Altes Klösterli, Zoo Zurich

Please note that we will have a wedding photographer for the ceremony and the apéro.


We are very grateful that you will be attending our wedding. That is the biggest gift you can make us, as we are aware that traveling to Swizterland is expensive and exhausting. Truly, thank you!


We will be in the rainforst so: be wild! Feel free to be as casual as you wish. Also remember that it is warm and humid in the rainforest house, but very likely cold outside.


All children are most welcome to attend! Ours will be there and will be delighted at having playmates.


To those travelling with children: no worries the buggies are allowed to be brought in.

Reaching the wedding location

The Zoo Zurich can be reached by car and by public transportation (Tram 6 from Zurich HB).

Trains for Zurich HB are departing Aarau every hour at 23, 31 and 54. (Please note that a return ticket will be around 52 CHF per person - Children under 6 are free, under 16 pay half).